Microwave International New Media Arts Festival - 'Screenarcadia' (2010)

Client: Microwave / Year: 2010

‘Screenarcadia’ is the theme of Microwave International New Media Arts Festival in 2010. The theme was to arouse the public with the idea of emerging technology immersed in our environment, the development of screen culture has been totally influenced our life-style, attempting in re-defining our understanding towards ‘SCREEN’. 

By introducing the concept of ‘SCREEN’ from different perspectives, we convey the message by turning the geometric forms of screen into various of pattern. The filling of patterns reflects the unlimited contexts we received from screen, and the dynamics of screen culture. 


客戶:Microwave / 年份:2010

「Screenacadia天下太屏」為微波國際新媒體藝術節2010年的活動主題、旨在帶出因科技日新月異而帶起的「視屏文化」(Screen culture)。






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