Design 360˚ Magazine, Guangzhou, China - ‘STUDIO ISSUE’ (2009)

Client: Sandu Publishing Co., Ltd. (Guangzhou, China) / Year: 2009

Design 360˚ is the only bilingual concept and design magazine in Mainland China. It was first published bi-monthly by Sandu Cultural Media in 2005. It has become an international news platform for professional designers across various design disciplines.

In 2009, the magazine celebrated the 3rd anniversary by launching the brand new image. Javin Mo from milkxhake has been invited to be the design director to redesign the whole magazine including the new identity, editorial direction and layout design since Jan 2009.

The ‘degrees’ derived from the name ‘360˚’ generated the new editorial structure and contents. New magazine masthead was also modified from the previous version with high legibility.

Six remarkable issues were published in 2009 featuring six world-renowned design studios with in-depth interviews and portfolio showcase from graphic to environmental and spatial. The studios included 2x4, Studio Dumbar, Stockholm Design Lab, Base Design, Frost Design and Pentagram.

The magazine rebranding explored new in-depth editorial contents and interviews with most talented designers on the relevant issues. It successfully generated mass public interest and dramatically enhanced the readership circulation in China and Asia.


客戶:三度出版有限公司(中國廣州) / 年份:2009

2005年創刊、《Design 360˚》是國內唯一中英雙語雙月刊設計雜誌,並逐漸成為跨設計界別的國際設計資訊平台。

2009年,《Design 360˚》成立3週年之後,希望透過革新為品牌建立全新形象,以配合將來的發展,Javin Mo應邀擔任雜誌的設計創意指導,重組編輯方向及重新設計各欄目版面。

重塑的《Design 360˚》帶來了空前的回響,一系列的「工作室」六期主題,深入專訪國際知名工作室包括2x4、 Studio Dumbar、Stockholm Design Lab、Base Design、Frost Design 和 Pentagram。

豐富的內容、深入淺出的編輯角度和有力的版面設計叫人耳目一新,革新後《Design 360˚》在亞洲內的流通量顯著上升,並引了國內外設計界的注意。



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